Fibreshed | Fashion & Farming Film

Fashion & farming film


In summer 2021 South West England Fibreshed created a film 'Reconnecting Fashion to Farming' to raise awareness of the broken system that exists between fashion and farmin,g and introduce the concept of ‘locally grown clothes’ through regional textile ecosystems.
This Way Next were tasked with promoting this important short film to industry audiences and advocates.We identified relevant fashion and farming communities that would provide a platform to showcase the film, as well as key progressive fashion and sustainability journalists that would champion the narrative.


Press office



We secured a partnership with the Institute of Positive Fashion (IPF), which works alongside the British Fashion Council, to celebrate industry best practice and encourage future business decisions to create positive change.  
The film featured in the Innovations Showcase at the IPF Forum in June of that year, an event attended by over 170 key industry, government, and business leaders. In the same month, the short was showcased as part of the schedule at Digital London Fashion Week and subsequently achieved over 7k views via YouTube.
Media coverage on the IPF and London Fashion Week which included SWEF in titles such as the Independent and the BFC and LFW social channels reached over 26 million people.

Future Nature — Fashion & farming film